I'm a 22 year old college student attending Stevens Institute of Technology, majoring in computer science. I am also an intern for Councilman James Solomon of Jersey City, where I assist in consituent services, engage in community outreach, and research policy. Those are my two major focuses in life, and my dream is that they will always be connected. To me, there is no greater fufillment in life than public service, and my goal is to leverage data and technology for the beneift of all people, without a price tag attached to the servcie and without an advertisement on every page. I think there is a lot of genuinely incredible products that are unfortunately wasted on services with limited and exclusive access. After all, the best thing about software is that it is essentially free to replicate and share.
this site:
I am making this site because I want to have one place to organzize and put my ideas out into the world. I also would like to work on my writing skills, as it is an area where I feel I have atrophied particularly bad during the pandemic. Some things I would like to talk about include AI, politics at the local, national, and even international level, music, philosophy, and whatever else comes to mind.
I would like to emphasize that just because I write about something on here does not mean I think I am an expert on the issue. This is intentionally a place where I will impulsively write whatever I have the urge to. I hope that as I continue this project, that I will disagree with my older posts and be able to document the evolving nature of my thought processes and philosphy. Maybe then I'll go back and put annotations each time I feel my beliefs have changed. I would not want to erase what I originally put down however.